E-sim Golden Tools / Product prices / Orange

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Here you can view all available products on E-sim Product Market in real time

You can sort data by clicking on the header of the table.
If data looks old (grey country names) wait 40 seconds at try again.
10 minutes before and after day change auto and manual refresh are inactive.

You can highlight rows (by clicking on them) to track where your country price is going after sorting.

Hover on prices in gold to see how the calculations are done, if you need the info - its there ;)

GOLD 1 - price in gold when you buy currency from monetary market immediately with VAT.
GOLD 2 - price in gold when you put gold for sale and wait someone to exchange for currency with VAT.

If you tick "im a seller" mark you can see four new columns:
V% - Value-added tax (VAT) percentage
G1-TAX - price in gold when you buy currency from monetary market immediately without VAT (earnings)
G2-TAX - price in gold when you put gold for sale and wait someone to exchange for currency without VAT (fast earnings).

I% - import tax percentage. Hover on digits to see selling prices including import tax!
I+V - import + vat percentage